Academic Scheduling: Final Exam Guide and Schedules - Office of the Registrar (2024)

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When enrolling in classes, students should check the final exam schedule to avoid having exam time conflicts or multiple final exams on the same day. In cases when this is unavoidable, students may ask instructors for a make-up exam on a different day, but whether to make this arrangement is entirely at the discretion of the instructor. Students should not wait until the end of the semester to discuss final exam conflicts with the instructor.

  • Spring 2024 Final Exam Groups


    Final exams are based on the day and time a course is offered. Therefore, if the course schedule changes, then the exam group may also change. Please note: this calendar is only a guideline for faculty and students to get a sense of when their final exam may take place before classes are assigned rooms. The actual form of final evaluation for a course, as well as the date and time, must be included in the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester.

    All final exam times can be found on Cal Central after registration. The official Schedule of Final Examination locations will be made available on the 11th week of instruction.

    Spring 2024 Final Examination Calendar

    Exam GroupDayDateTimeFor Class Start Times
    1Mon05/06/20248–11 amMWF & MTWTF, 8 am
    2Mon05/06/202411:30–2:30 pmTuTh, 2 pm
    3Mon05/06/20243–6 pmEcon 1 & 100B, UGBA 101B
    4Mon05/06/20247–10 pmMWF & MTWTF, 9 & 9:30 am
    5Tues05/07/20248–11 amMWF & MTWTF, 1 pm
    6Tues05/07/202411:30–2:30 pmMWF & MTWTF, 2 pm
    7Tues05/07/20243–6 pmMWF & MTWTF, 10 am
    8Tues05/07/20247–10 pmMWF & MTWTF, 11 am
    9Weds05/08/20248–11 amChem 1A, 1B, 3A, 3B, 4A, & 4B, 32, ECON 140
    10Weds05/08/202411:30–2:30 pmTuTh, 9 & 9:30 am
    11Weds05/08/20243–6 pmMWF & MTWTF, 12 & 12:30 pm
    12Weds05/08/20247–10 pmMWF & MTWTF, 3 & 3:30 pm
    13Thurs05/09/20248–11 amTuTh, 11 am
    14Thurs05/09/202411:30–2:30 pmOnline courses* & Elementary Foreign Languages**
    15Thurs05/09/20243–6 pmTuTh, 12, 12:30, & 1 pm
    16Thurs05/09/20247–10 pmTuTh, 8 am and all Saturday & Sunday
    17Fri05/10/20248–11 amMWF & MTWTF, 4 & 4:30 pm
    18Fri05/10/202411:30–2:30 pmTuTh, at or after 5 pm
    19Fri05/10/20243–6 pmTuTh, 10 am; English 1A, 1B, R1A, & R1B;
    MWF, at or after 5 pm
    20Fri05/10/20247–10 pmTuTh, 3, 3:30, & 4 pm

    *Online courses are those with an instruction mode of Online or Web-Based. Not all online courses have in-person final exams. Please check with your instructor if you do not know what type of final assessment your online course will have.

    **Please check with your instructor as not all foreign language classes are included in this group.

    Note: If a class is offered on M, W, F, MW, MF, or WF it will fall into the same start times as MWF. If a class is offered on Tu or Th, it will fall into the same start times as TuTh.

  • Fall 2024 Final Exam Groups


    Final exams are based on the day and time a course is offered. Therefore, if the course schedule changes, then the exam group may also change. Please note: this calendar is only a guideline for faculty and students to get a sense of when their final exam may take place before classes are assigned rooms. The actual form of final evaluation for a course, as well as the date and time, must be included in the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester.

    The official Schedule of Final Examinations is available the 11th week of instruction. The following table lists the examination time for each final exam group number.

    Fall 2024 Final Examination Calendar

    Exam GroupDayDateTimeFor Class Start Times
    1Mon12/16/20248–11 amMWF & MTWTF, 10 am
    2Mon12/16/202411:30–2:30 pmMWF & MTWTF, 11 am
    3Mon12/16/20243–6 pmChem 1A, 1B, 3A, 3B, 4A, & 4B, 32, Econ 140
    4Mon12/16/20247–10 pmMWF & MTWTF, 8 am
    5Tues12/17/20248–11 amTuTh, 2 pm
    6Tues12/17/202411:30–2:30 pmEcon 1 & 100B, UGBA 101B
    7Tues12/17/20243–6 pmTuTh, 9 & 9:30 am
    8Tues12/17/20247–10 pmMWF & MTWTF, 3 & 3:30 pm
    9Weds12/18/20248–11 amTuTh, 11 am
    10Weds12/18/202411:30–2:30 pmOnline courses* & Elementary Foreign Languages**
    11Weds12/18/20243–6 pmTuTh, 8 am and all Saturday & Sunday
    12Weds12/18/20247–10 pm

    MWF & MTWTF, 1 pm

    **Stat 20**

    13Thurs12/19/20248–11 amMWF & MTWTF, 4 & 4:30 pm
    14Thurs12/19/202411:30–2:30 pmTuTh, at or after 5 pm
    15Thurs12/19/20243–6 pmMWF & MTWTF, 2 pm
    16Thurs12/19/20247–10 pmMWF & MTWTF, 9 & 9:30 am
    17Fri12/20/20248–11 amTuTh, 12, 12:30, & 1 pm
    18Fri12/20/202411:30–2:30 pmMWF & MTWTF, 12 & 12:30 pm
    19Fri12/20/20243–6 pm

    TuTh, 10 am; English 1A, 1B, R1A, & R1B;

    MWF, at or after 5 pm

    20Fri12/20/20247–10 pmTuTh, 3, 3:30, & 4 pm

    *Online courses are those with an instruction mode of Online or Web-Based. Not all online courses have in-person final exams. Please check with your instructor if you do not know what type of final assessment your online course will have.

    **Please check with your instructor as not all foreign language classes are included in this group.

    Note: If a class is offered on M, W, F, MW, MF, or WF it will fall into the same start times as MWF. If a class is offered on Tu or Th, it will fall into the same start times as TuTh.


  • Final Exam Scheduling


    For undergraduate courses, final assessments that are not scheduled during the regular Final Exam Week cannot be required to be completed or turned in during the regular semester's period of formal instruction nor during the Reading/Review/Recitation (RRR) period. Final performances and presentations may be scheduled under certain circ*mstances before or during RRR week, but instructors are encouraged to use the RRR week as much as possible for synthesis, review, and revision of papers or projects for final student assessment. For more information, see COCI Handbook section 2.1.12.

    Final examination groups are typically based on the day and time a class is offered. Exam groups not based on the regular class meeting time are called common exam groups. Online courses, certain foreign language courses, and certain Chemistry and Economics courses belong to common exam groups.

    Please refer to the following resources.

    • Checklist for Scheduling Conflicts with Academic Requirements
    • Responsibilities to Students with Disabilities
    • Deadlines for Securing Proctors
  • Deadlines for Final Exam Changes


    To request the removal or addition of a final exam, see COCI Handbook section “Changing the Method of Final Assessment in Approved/Existing Courses.”

    To request a change in final exam group, see COCI Handbook section 3.2.1 “Changing the Final Exam Group.” The department scheduler should email to confirm sufficient classroom space in the desired exam group.

  • Contact List for Assistance


    If you have a problem on the day of your exam, contact one of the following to obtain timely assistance.

    Issue or QuestionWho to ContactHours AvailableContact Information
    AV/TechnologyEducational Technology Services8:00am-8:00pm(510) 643-8637
    Classroom Issues (lockout, maintenance, etc.)Office of the Registrar8:00am-8:00pm(510) 643-7490
    After-hours Classroom Lockout or MaintenanceFacilities ServicesPrior to 8:00am and after 8:00pm(510) 642-1032
    Building LockoutUCPD24-hours(510) 642-6760
Academic Scheduling: Final Exam Guide and Schedules - Office of the Registrar (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.