NLE Choppa Explains The Meaning Behind Cutting His Locs Off (2025)

Out with the old, in with the new! NLE Choppa has officially cut off his dreads, and he’s ready to step into 2023 with a whole new mindset. Boasting 5.3 million followers on Instagram alone, the Memphis rapper first posted a photo of himself with his locs covering his entire face, with the caption, “Sorry, it was so nice knowing ya tho, by now 😞✌️ #PurposeServed”

Two weeks later, NLE Choppa posted another photo of his locs, this time detached from his head. This time, the dreads sit next to some palo santo and sage, as Choppa reveals the real meaning behind his new haircut.

The caption reads, “Step 1: DETACH(MENT). Death to what no longer serves you, Death to Old Cycles, Death to old/bad habits, Death to friendships/relationships, Death to the simplest thing like my hair, Death to everything holding back the NEW. Detachment = Freedom.”

He educates us on The Law of Detachment, stating “we must detach ourselves from the result or outcome in order to allow what we desire to materialize in the physical universe. ( LET GO !!!!)”

Anyone who knows Choppa knows his recent spiritual awakening, completely changing his old habits and finding new, healthy ones that effortlessly inspire his fans to do the same.

Sheen spoke with NLE Choppa at the Warner Records offices in downtown Los Angeles, a few days before the release of his new single “23.”

I know you cut off their hair. How are you feeling?

I feel like a new person. It represents new beginning and just a new person. Out with the old and with the new, it was time for that.

How long have you had the dreads?

I had my locs for about three years. Started four years ago, so I could say four years.

Was it hard to get to where it was?

No, it was kind of simple. It’s just came in. I just looked up and every time it was growing longer and longer. It’s simple.

How long have you been wanting to cut it off?

For about a year. I was thinking, it came to me intuitively. I thought okay, I don’t feel like it’s the right time. It started to get to the point in time when I knew when the time was, and I knew it was going to be close to the end of 2022. The last day, I did it.

I know you’re very spiritual, so what did this symbolize?

So a lot of people have to understand that your hair is your protection. Your hair on your head is also an extension of your brain. Whatever you go through mentally, it holds the energy inside of the hair. I went through a lot of dark days with my hair, and went through a lot of dark nights with my hair. [laughs] My hair was holding on to the energy of what I went through traumatically and emotionally. Cutting it off symbolized getting rid of it, so it’s starting a new growth.

Does it feel lighter? Colder?

Yeah, it felt cold. It was fasho cold, because it was cold in LA during the time. But more than anything, I felt refreshed. I felt reborn. I felt reincarnated. Everything was just new. It also felt like that dark cloud just went away.

Are your friends loving it too?

Everybody loves it.

The ladies too?

They love it fasho. [laughs]

Talk about your new single “23.”

It’s basically taking the process of letting people know that it’s a new year, a new me. It’s a rebirth, but it’s still the same. It’s new, but it’s still the same. Not too out of reach to my peers, but new year new me.

What about the album that’s coming?

The album that’s coming, Cottonwood 2 is extremely versatile. My best body of work to date.

Talk about the new hand tattoo.

It’s still peeling, still healing right now. It’s really not too much of a meaning. Every tattoo has meaning, but this one: I like the art of it.

How long did it take?

About two hours? Two hours of me trying to get through that shit, that shit hurt. [laughs]

You ever had the numbing cream?

Yeah, I had it on this one. What’s crazy, that shit don’t work. And he had the best numbing cream, alI in here was numb. [points to hand] But the fingers? That shit different.

Who did it?

Dennis Wristwork. You can follow him on my IG, he does all my tats.

Do you have any new year’s resolutions?

Discipline. Just staying disciplined, that’s it.

NLE Choppa Explains The Meaning Behind Cutting His Locs Off (2025)


NLE Choppa Explains The Meaning Behind Cutting His Locs Off? ›

I went through a lot of dark days with my hair, and went through a lot of dark nights with my hair. [laughs] My hair was holding on to the energy of what I went through traumatically and emotionally. Cutting it off symbolized getting rid of it, so it's starting a new growth.

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NLE Choppa visits “The Jason Lee Show” to discuss changing his lifestyle, growing up in Memphis, his spiritual journey, being a vegan and expanding his vegan food truck business, and much more.

Why are my dreads cutting? ›

Beware of Traction Alopecia

The repeated tension and pulling on your hair is the main reason for traction alopecia. Twisting your locs tightly, placing them in high buns, and pulling your hair back in ponytails are common reasons. As your hair grows, the weight of the hair can cause thinning and breakage.

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As of 2024, NLE Choppa has a net worth of $12 million. Choppa earns $2.6 million annually through his music and concerts, according to Forbes.

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Snoop Dogg isn't vegan (yet). But that said, his promotion of vegan-friendly options is pushing fans and consumers in the plant-based direction. Here are seven Snoop stunts to encourage even the most stubborn of meat eaters that plant-based fare is the way to go.

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1 Jermaine Dupri

Rapper and producer Jermaine Dupri has been vegan for nearly two decades. At first, he adopted the lifestyle for his health, he told Mashed in 2021. “A lot of people today, we don't know if we're healthy or not.

What does cutting dreads symbolize? ›

The sacral ritual has been long preserved since Dieng native people believe that “dreadlock haircut ritual” is functioned to primarily drive away bad luck, calamity, and life uncertainty for the children when they grow up as well as a blessing expectation for local people life prosperity and happiness.

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Sure. You won't have to cut them very often because dreads gain length very slowly.

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1. Jay-Z - $2 billion.

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An example fee to book NLE Choppa is in the starting range of $40,000-$74,999. However, any recent popularity change would cause a price fluctuation well beyond this example. Also, their speaking fee might be different than the fee shown for the cost to perform or to just appear.

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NLE Choppa: I've grown a lot. I went from eating Impossible and Beyond Meat thinking that was healthy to the point in my life where I can go on raw and alkaline diets. I just eat straight vegetables and fruits - nothing cooked.

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It sounds funny, but I feel like I was rapping better." Now, Common is a pescatarian. "I was vegan for a while, then came back to the middle and started eating fish and seafood," he says. Hungry Girl: 5 Healthy Foods You're Not Eating – But Should Be!

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If that makes absolutely no sense to you, here's something a bit more digestible about the event (literally): during the gaming sesh, ChampagnePapi revealed that he is indeed a vegetarian.

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