Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (2024)

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Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (1)

What is the ROK Golden Kingdom event about?

ROK Golden Kingdom is a three day event in ROK that has the following attractive rewards depending on how far you progress in the event:

  • Up to a maximum of 13 Golden Kingdom Equipment Troves (each of these gives you either a Legendary Blueprint Fragment Choice Chest or a Crystal Key); and
  • Up to 5 Epic and 18 Elite Equipment Materials Choice Chests.

The rewards above can be obtained from a Golden Chest located at a checkpoint found at every 4 Floors of the event (i.e. Floor 4, Floor 8, Floor 12, Floor 16, Floor 20)(Checkpoint Floor).

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (2)

ROK Golden Kingdom is a series of 20 Floors filled with enemy troops (except in the Checkpoint Floors where it is a safe zone). Enemy troops comprise of the following:

1) Guardian Minion

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (3)

2) Guardian Elite

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (4)

3) Guardian Chief

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (5)

To progress through each Floor, you will need to access the Mystic Portal, which will only be opened after you have defeated the Guardian Chief on the Floor.

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (6)
Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (7)

Therefore, your objective is to defeat the Guardian Chief on each Floor. However, the catch here is the Floors are covered by fog and so Governors will need to clear fogs on the Floor to uncover the location of the Guardian Chief.

How to complete the ROK Golden Kingdom event with ease?

Below are some tips and tricks to help you conquer all 20 levels and obtain all rewards:

TIP #1 – Set your initial five troops wisely

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (8)

Battles in ROK Golden Kingdom works in a similar mechanic as in the Sunset Canyon. At the beginning, you will be asked to set five troops to enter the event. Note that once you have confirmed your selection, you are not allowed to change your selection, unless you restart the event (by clicking the blue button on the top right-hand corner of your screen). Know your own strengths and field your best five troops accordingly.

As I am infantry-focused, I typically field four infantry troops in the front-row and 1 archer troop at the back-row. Note that enemy archer troops in ROK Golden Kingdom seem to be the least common. Enemy troops are mostly infantry, cavalry and/or mixed troops.

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (9)
Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (10)

TIP #2 – Clear fogs at the edge first

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (11)

“Success is achieved not by doing things randomly, but by strategy”. Some may disagree with my strategy, but it works well for me every time! The logic is simple. When you clear a fog and find an enemy troop, you will not be allowed to clear fog at its surrounding tiles before you defeat that enemy troop first.

If this tile with the enemy troop is in the middle of the map and not along the edge, this means you will not be able to clear fog at these 7 surrounding tiles on the Floor. It gets worse for you when that enemy troop is a Guardian Elite, which means you will have to defeat an Guardian Elite first before you can clear fog at surrounding tiles.

On the contrary, clearing fog on tiles at the edge will only result in up to 4 tiles becoming unavailable to you should an enemy troop be sitting on that tile. Using this simple math-based strategy should allow you to progress as far as possible on each Floor by minimizing battles with enemy troops and damage to your troops, reserving your troops’ health to take on the Guardian Chief (see picture above for illustration. I did not have to battle any enemy troop before I found the location of the Guardian Chief).

TIP #3 – Enter into more battles in the lower Floors, and less battles at the higher Floors

Enemy troops at the lower levels have lower power and hence easier to defeat. Defeating each enemy troop grants Governors a chance to obtain a Blessing (choice of three), which provides a buff for your troops (or de-buff for your enemies) in The Golden Kingdom (see the next tip for more on Blessings). Clearing all the enemy troops (and fogs) at the lower Floors also gives the chance of finding 15% heals for all your troops.

At higher Floor levels, enemy troops have higher power and can deal serious damage to your chances of progressing further. Your strategy at higher Floors should be to minimize the number of battles and damage your troop receives before you locate and defeat the Guardian Chief of the Floor.

Once the Guardian Chief of the Floor is defeated, if your troops’ health is high, you can consider to battle the Guardian Minions remaining on the Floor to accumulate Blessings. I would avoid battling Guardian Elites unless it is necessary.

TIP #4 – Pick the right Blessings for your troops

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (12)

Defeating each enemy troop in ROK Golden Kingdom will provide you with a chance to obtain a Blessing (choice of three), which buffs your troops (or de-buffs your enemies) for the rest of the event. These stack up! So collect them all!

Some Blessings work best for some Governors (depending on your troop type – infantry/cavalry/archer), and some Blessings work best for all Governors. Know your own strengths and choose wisely! Note: You can see the Blessings you have accumulated in the top right-hand corner of the screen, below the blue “Restart” button.

Below are the Blessings that I rank as the best in the ROK Golden Kingdom event (in alphabetical order), and they are great Blessings for all Governors regardless of your troop type:


Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (13)


Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (14)

Fervent Tactics

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (15)

Influential Leader

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (16)

TIP #5 – Note the buff(debuff) activated for each Floor

Certain Floors may have a buff or debuff activated from the start (located at the top-right corner of your screen), which will increase or reduce the difficulty of the Floor. Plan your strategy for the Floor accordingly.

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (17)
Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (18)

TIP #6 – Recruit the right troops from Reinforcement Camps

If you are lucky, sometimes you will find a Reinforcement Camp on the tile after clearing fog. These provide you with an option to choose a troop from a choice of three. Choose wisely when you encounter them!

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (19)
Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (20)

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you pick a troop with commanders that you have summoned/unlocked, they will have the same skill levels as your own summoned/unlocked commander (for example, if your own Sun Tzu is expertized 5-5-5-5, and you choose to recruit a troop commanded by Sun Tzu, the Sun Tzu in the newly recruited troop will also be expertized).

On the contrary, if you choose to recruit a troop commanded by commanders that you have not unlocked/summoned yet, those commanders in the newly recruited troop will have a skill level of 1-0-0-0 (yes, very weak indeed).

Conclusion: Prioritize recruitment on troop commanded by commanders that you have unlocked and with good skill levels.

Another point to note is, click the information icon (the letter “i” in a circle) beside the commander icon to see the troop type. This is an important step because you might end up with a cavalry commander that you have expertized but with infantry troops! Watch out for this booby trap!

Lastly, the Reinforcement Camp also provides you an opportunity to diversify your forces (an insurance plan). In tip #1, I mentioned that you should field your first five troops based on your troop focus, and this is usually one, or at the most two, troop types for most Governors.

The Reinforcement Camp, however, may provide you an opportunity to recruit the third troop type, which in my case is Cavalry (as I fielded four infantry troops and one archer troop at the beginning of the ROK Golden Kingdom event). This allows me to use the Cavalry troop in selected battles where the enemy comprises of enemy archer troops which will counter my infantry troops.

TIP #7 – Utilize the Relics

Relics are items you hold in a wallet (max capacity of 9) that you can use to aid your progress through the Floor. See Tip #7 for details on these Relics, if you have no clue what they are.

You can acquire Relics in a few ways:

1) Simply lying on the tile

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (21)

2) Possible drop from an Abandoned Chest found on a tile

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (22)

3) Possible reward from spinning the Disk of Destiny found on a tile

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (23)

4) Purchase them from the Secret Market at the Checkpoint Floors using Karaku Gold, which is a currency in ROK Golden Kingdom event that can be found lying on tiles after de-fogging, as a possible reward from spinning the Disk of Destiny, as a drop from opening an Abandoned Chest, or as a reward from defeating each enemy troop.

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (24)

Note that you can only hold up to nine Relics at any point, so monitor your Relic wallet and utilize relics whenever a good opportunities arises. I usually keep the Siege Relic for use on the Floors that have Arrow Towers.

TIP #8 – Purchase the right Relics from the Secret Market at the Checkpoint Floors

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (25)

At each Checkpoint Floor, to the left of the Golden Chest reward is a Secret Market, where you can purchase Relics in exchange for Karaku Gold. I would suggest you spend all your Karaku Gold for Relics that will aid you in your progress in the subsequent Floors. Any excess Karaku Gold you hold at the end of the event is forfeited and does not benefit you in any way outside the ROK Golden Kingdom event.

In terms of which Relics to purchase, the following would be my recommendation (in order of priority, 1 being highest priority):

1) Siege

These Relics rarely go for sale in the Secret Market, so buy them when you see them. One or two of these Relics in your wallet will be sufficient. This Relic is an insurance against Floors with Arrow Towers (see Tip #8 below) located many tiles away. If the Arrow Tower is only two or three tiles away from you, you can consider keeping the Relic for later use.

2) Chief Detector / Elite Detector

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (26)

Chief Detector Relics and Elite Detector Relics are the get-out-of-jail cards for me.

Chief Detector Relics are found to be very useful for me to get out of the following situations:

  • Floor with Voodoo Curse (see Tip #9 below); or
  • When you are faced with many enemy troops standing in your way and you have no fog-clearing option open to you (hence you will want to battle only when necessary)

Elite Detector Relics are found to be very useful for me in the following situations:

  • Floor with Arrow Tower AND you do not have a Siege Relic

3) Basic Armor / Elite Armor

Basic Armor – Take 30% less damage from a Guardian (equivalent to 15% damage reduction for 100 Karaku Gold spent)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (27)

Elite Armor – Take 45% less damage from a Guardian (equivalent to 15% damage reduction for 100 Karaku Gold spent)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (28)

4) Legendary Armor – take 60% less damage from a Guardian (equivalent to 12% damage reduction for 100 Karaku Gold spent)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (29)

Reason: I prioritize purchasing Elite Armor Relic higher than Legendary Armor Relic as it is more cost-effective to spend your Karaku Gold on an Elite Armor Relic. If you happen to be rich in Karaku Gold, by all means, buy them all!

5) Standard Bolt / Primitive Bolt

Standard Bolt – Reduce Guardian’s troop strength by 30% (equivalent to 10% per 100 Karaku gold)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (30)

Primitive Bolt – Reduce Guardian’s troop strength by 20% (equivalent to 10% per 100 Karaku gold)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (31)

6) Deadly Bolt – Reduce Guardian’s troop strength by 40% (equivalent to 8% per 100 Karaku gold)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (32)

7) Minor Healing – Restore all troops by 5% troop strength (equivalent to 3.33% all-troops heal for 100 Karaku Gold spent)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (33)

8) Medium Healing – Restore all troops by 7% troop strength (equivalent to 2.33% all-troops heal for 100 Karaku Gold spent)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (34)

9) Junior Medicine – Restores 20% troop strength for one of your troops (equivalent to 10% single-troop heal per 100 Karaku Gold spent)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (35)

10) Medium Medicine – Restores 30% troop strength for one of your troops (equivalent to 6% single-troop heal per 100 Karaku Gold spent)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (36)

11) Binding Shackles – Unlock 3 tiles of fog surrounding a Guardian.

Can be useful to navigate around an unexpected Guardian Elite, but the situations that call for its use is limited and rare.

12) Arrow of Truth – Choose and eliminate a Guardian (except Guardian Chief)

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (37)

Since this cannot be used on a Guardian Chief, I rank this very low in my list. I prefer spending the Karaku Gold on an Elite Detector Relic (and taking up the limited space in my pocket) to detect all Guardian Elites on the Floor and avoid them in my path.

13) Priest’s Blessing – Revives one fallen troop and restores 10% of its troop strength

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (38)

I find myself very rarely relying on this Relic in ROK Golden Kingdom event, and hence rank this very low in my list. Timing my heals and rotating my troops have served me better than relying on this Relic. Even if you revive your fallen troop with this Relic, if you do not have sufficient heals in store for the revived troop, the troop will not last in battle with the restored 10% troop strength.

14) Minion Detector

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (39)

If you need this, you probably won’t be able to complete the event 🙂

TIP #9 – Destroy Arrow Towers first

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (40)

Arrow Towers will start appearing after Floor 8 (I usually encounter them on Floor 11). They are visible from the start, before any fog is cleared, so watch out for them from Floor 8 onwards. These Arrow Towers deal 1% damage to all your troops’ strength every time you clear a tile of fog.

Sometimes, two Arrow Towers can appear on the same Floor! So when you see an Arrow Tower on the Floor, focus on finding the shortest route to destroy the tower!

There are only two ways to destroy the Arrow Tower: Use a Siege Relic, or clear a tile of fog surrounding the Arrow Tower (and defeat any enemy troop on this tile) and tap the tower to destroy it. If you do not have a Siege Relic on hand, use an Elite Detector to see where the Guardian Elites are hiding (and avoid them in your path to the tower).

TIP #10 – Use the Chief Detector on Floor with Voodoo Curse

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (41)

If you are unlucky, you will arrive at a Floor with Voodoo Curse – 5% damage to your troops’ strength if you clear a tile of fog that contains Voodoo effects (the greenish goo thing). And if your luck is worse than unlucky, you will meet a Floor that has not only the Voodoo Curse, but also two Arrow Towers! See picture above. Fun fact: I did complete the Floor above 🙂

TIP #11 – Revive your fallen troop at the Altar of Karuak

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (42)

In case you do not already know, these Altars found from clearing fogs can be used to revive one of your fallen troops and restore a small portion of their troop strength. These can be helpful at the higher Floors, so be sure to use them before leaving the Floor!

TIP #12 Restart if you made many mistakes that can be avoided

You can restart the ROK Golden Kingdom event anytime you want by clicking the blue button on the top right-hand corner of your screen. If you have advanced past the Checkpoint Floors, you can choose to restart from the last Checkpoint Floor too!

Alright, that’s all from me folks! Hope you find this post helpful. ROK on!

Check out my other event guides here!

Rise of Kingdoms: Golden Kingdom Event Guide | KangFu Master (2024)
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